Internal Communication

National Food/Ingredient Analysis Service, Testing Lab


  • Help VP of sales turn around company’s 3-year losing trend.
  • Improve internal communication and transparency by sharing key company plans, objectives, and results with employees; help them understand how the work they do fits into the big picture to more deeply connect them to each other and the company.
  • Overcome owners’ resistance to change.


  • Developed company wide “Lunch Together Friday” to foster employee camaraderie.
  • Posted sales results weekly for greater transparency.
  • Weekly department meetings and monthly companywide meetings that encourage discussions about “wins” in either new revenue or new cost savings and how specific changes could create the next “win”.
Injection molding case study


  • Improves communication that helps all employees understand how their responsibilities fit into the larger picture.
  • Inspires employee ideas for cutting costs and generating revenue.
  • After 6 months of posting weekly revenues, weekly department meetings, and monthly companywide meetings, a front line shipping clerk asked why all label proofs were shipped overnight; new criteria were developed for overnight and less expensive ground delivery—a savings of $11,000 in a single quarter and $36,000 over the next 12 months.
  • The janitorial team asked about systematizing trash collection for recycling, which saved the company $1,000 per month.
  • Demonstrates value for developing a recognition strategy.

A well planned communication strategy that provides greater frequency and transparency improves the employee experience and reaps greater discretionary effort that delivers bottom line results.